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Get to your destination safely and comfortably.

senior man with his caregiver

Many times, hospital discharges require a family member/friend to transport a patient from the hospital to home. It could take hours or the next day before someone is available to pick the patient up. We at Core Values Home Care want to help reduce the wait time by being your transportation source of getting home. Or if you have a debilitating condition, it can be hard to get to the places you need to go to. That’s why we at Core Values Home Care provide our clients with a convenient and secure transportation service so you can get to your destination hassle-free. Not only does this service help you get to your rehab or therapy sessions, the hospital, and doctor’s appointments; we can also provide non-emergency transportation and take you around town to run errands, go shopping, go to your hair stylist, and more.

If you are interested in this service, please request an appointment with us or contact us.

Concierge Services – Non-Medical Transportation